Clubs and Organizations
Providence College offers students the opportunity to participate in over 120 active clubs and organizations which focus on social, cultural, political, professional, educational, athletic, community service, and wellness topics. Participation in these organizations offers the opportunity to develop passions, affect change in our campus and local community, and build friendships that can last a lifetime. Regardless of organizational mission, all clubs/organizations are open to all students.
One glance at the list below and you’ll realize that PC’s student clubs and organizations are as varied as the interests, career aspirations, and talents of our students.
Current students should log into PC Central to access detailed information on clubs and organizations and explore events happening on campus.
Board of Multicultural Student Affairs / Board of Programmers / Intramural Athletic Board / Social Media Ambassadors / Student Advisory Board (SAB) / Student Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC) / Student Congress
Faith Based
Campus Ministry / Knights of Columbus
Honor Societies
Alpha Delta Mu / Alpha Epsilon Delta / National Honor Society for Pre-Medical Students / Alpha Mu Alpha / Alpha Sigma Lambda / Alpha Upsilon Alpha / Beta Gamma Sigma / Dirigo Honor Society / Gamma Kappa Alpha / Iota Iota Iota (Triota)/ Kappa Delta Pi / National Society of Collegiate Scholars / Nu Rho Psi / Omicron Delta Epsilon / Phi Alpha Theta / Phi Lambda Upsilon / Phi Sigma Iota / Phi Sigma Tau / Pi Mu Epsilon / Pi Sigma Alpha / Psi Chi / ROTC Cadet Officers’ Honor Society / Sigma Delta Pi / Sigma Tau Delta / Theta Alpha Phi
Media & Publications
Alembic Journal / Her Campus / The Cowl / PCTV / WDOM-FM
Friars Vote / PC Democrats / PC Democratic Socialists of America / PC Republicans
Service Organizations
Admissions Ambassadors/ Best Buddies / Friars Club / Friars For / Friars Pre-Health Volunteer Club/ PC Pals / Student Alumni Association (SAA) / Urban Action
Special Interest
Active Minds / B.E.L.I.E.V.E. / Brotherhood / Ceramx Collective /Chess Club / Colleges Against Cancer / Cooking Club / ECOPC / Friars Emergency Medical Services / Friar Fanatics / Friar For Military / Its On Us / Love Your Melon / Mind Over Matter / NAACP / One Love / Operation Smile / Outdoor Adventure Club/ Providence Immigrant Rights Coalition (PIRC) / Protect Our Breasts / PC Fashion Society / PC Mock Trial / PC Model U.N. / Providence College Animal Welfare Club (PAW) / Scalia Society (ISI) / SHEPARD / Simply Healthy / The Karaohkay-s / Student-Led Asset Management / Student Organized Against Racism (SOAR) / Wishmakers on Campus / Women Empowered / Women Will
Club Sports
E Sports Club (Co-ed) / Fencing / Field Hockey Club / Figure Skating Club (Co-ed) / Friars Divers (Co-ed) /Golf Club (Co-ed) / Men’s Baseball / Men’s Basketball / Men’s Ice Hockey / Men’s Lacrosse / Men’s Rugby / Men’s Soccer / Men’s Tennis / Men’s Volleyball / Racquetball / Running Club / Sailing Team / Swimming Club / Ultimate Frisbee Club / Women’s Basketball / Women’s Ice Hockey / Women’s Lacrosse / Women’s Rugby / Women’s Soccer / Women’s Softball / Women’s Tennis / Women’s Volleyball
Language & Cultural
African American Society / Afro-Caribbean Association / Arab Student Association / Armenian Society / Asian American Association/ Circolo Italiano / French Club / Gaelic Society / Hellenic Society / Medicine, Education, and Development for Low Income Families Everywhere (MEDLIFE) / Organization of Latin American Students (OLAS) / Portuguese Alliance of Lusophone Speakers (PALS)
Music, Arts & Performance
A Cappella Club / Art Club / Believers of Words / Dance Club / Dance Company / Dance Team/ Footprints Gospel Choir / Irish Dance Club / Motherland Dance Group / PC Pep Band / Photography Club/ Six Gents Sketch Comedy Club
Pre-Professional & Academic
Accounting Association / ACS Chemistry Club / Alpha Epsilon Delta / American Marketing Association / American Medical Student Association / ALPFA / Beta Gamma Sigma / Biology Society / The Brainy Bunch / Council for Exceptional Children / Debate Society / Delta Sigma Pi / Economics Club / Education Club / Entrepreneurship Society / Friar Leadership Development Club / Future Friar Executives / Global Health Club / Health Care Club / History Club / International Business / Math and Computer Science Club / National Association of Black Accountants / PC Finance Society / PCSB Student Mentor Program / Philosophy Club / Physics Society / Pre-Dental Society / Pre-Law Society / Pre-PA Club / Providence College Student Nurse Association / Physicians of Providence College / Psi Chi / Public Health Club / Sigma Xi / Sociology Club / Sigma & Swans / Sports and Entertainment Council / Society of Human Resource Management at Providence College / Women in Business /
The Office of Student Engagement and Leadership
Slavin Center 106
Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm
Attention Students
The Student Event Planning forms are housed on the SAIL page of the MyPC Portal.