Specific Issues/Interests
Active Minds
Active Minds is an organization working towards breaking the stigma by bringing awareness and creating a conversation about mental health.
Chess Club
Chess Club is dedicated to teaching the game of chess to those who wish to learn and to connect people who enjoy the game with others so that they can play together while also improving their skills and knowledge of the game.
Friar Divers
The Friar Divers Club was founded in 2013 and is comprised of two components – one that services aspiring students looking to get certified in basic and advanced levels of diving, and the other a recreational component designed to give certified members a chance to participate in open water diving right here in Rhode Island. Once certified, members enjoy free diving, rental equipment and in-state trips to locations such as Jamestown and Exeter, courtesy of the club. It is our sincere mission to educate through experience. We welcome all students, both certified and non, into our dive community, where we hope they will have experiences as profound as their academic lives on campus.
Mind Over Matter
PC’s Mind Over Matter Club aims to become a hub for all those passionate about neuroscience, the nervous system, and behavior. We also want to educate members of the PC community, and the Providence community at large, on aspects of neurobiology and advocate for aspects of mental health. The goal of this club is to cultivate an environment conducive to discussing both the mind and brain, while integrating outreach.
One Love
One Love works with students to educate, empower and activate communities to end relationship violence. Our goal is to foster a lasting relationship among Providence College and One Love Foundation, in order to create conversations on campus.
Outdoor Adventure Club
The Outdoor Adventure Club is a group of PC Students who wish to heighten the awareness of outdoor life by providing opportunities in natural settings and promoting responsible outdoor recreation and cultivating a wilderness ethic. Club activities include; orienteering, rock climbing, hiking, kayaking, surfing and ski trips. The club is able to give PC students an opportunity to ski and ride at some of the best mountains in the East (at an affordable price.) Annually the club schedules day trips for students to enjoy. Mountains visited include: Mt. Snow, Sunday River, Stratton, Okemo, and Killington.
PC Mock Trial
Mock Trial is an academic competition that role-plays a real life court trial, with attorneys and witnesses on both sides, arguments and cross-examinations and evidence, and a judge presiding.
Providence College Animal Welfare Club (P.A.W.)
A club dedicated to animal welfare and trying to get our PC community aware of animal well-being and their importance!
Scalia Society
The Scalia Society is organized under the 501(c)3 non-profit Intercollegiate Studies Institute. The Scalia Society aims to educate its members on traditional American conservative values by; reading books, articles, and scholarly journals, watching topical videos, through scholarly discussion, by attending conferences, and by hosting speakers.
Simply Healthy
As the health education and wellness club on campus, Simply Healthy’s mission is to educate fellow students about making healthy choices in all aspects of life. We take a holistic and balanced approach to health. Our definition of “healthy” includes being active, eating nutritious foods, getting enough sleep, making good choices for both mind and body, being emotionally and spiritually sound, and being happy. Our goal is to help students stay healthy and happy all year by organizing health related events on campus.
Society Organized Against Racism (S.O.A.R.)
S.O.A.R. stands for Society Organized Against Racism. Our members are diverse in their ethnic and economic backgrounds and future aspirations, but we share the belief that all people deserve respect. We participate in Peace Day, Cultural Week, the Unity Dance Jam, community service projects, and fundraisers. SOAR respects and considers all opinions to be important.
Women Empowered
Women Empowered empowers multicultural women through engaging the campus in activities on issues that women of color face daily both on and off campus. We are a group that provides a safe place to discuss these issues, while also providing support. Our organization will also engage in social, cultural, and community service events centered around multicultural womanhood.
Wishmakers on Campus
Wish makers on Campus helps raise funds and awareness for the Make-A-Wish Foundation in MA/RI. This club creates a positive, accepting community while working hard for a great cause!
B.E.L.I.E.V.E. (Be Educated Live with Inspiration and Evaluate Equity) works to educate the Providence College community about people with disabilities, inspire the community to engage with those who are different, and evaluate equity for people with physical, cognitive, developmental, and learning disabilities on the Providence College campus and beyond. BELIEVE strives to make PC a more inclusive College for those living with disabilities by aiming to remove the wall that often separates people who identify as able-bodied/minded and those who identify as disabled/differently-abled.
We are a group of student activists and environmentalists who want to create a culture of sustainability here at Providence College! Our goals are to promote environmental education, spark real change to reduce PC’s environmental impact, and to reconnect ourselves with the global community.
Love Your Melon/PC Pinky Promise
The Providence College Love Your Melon Campus Crew is an on-campus club supporting the Love Your Melon brand. Love Your Melon is an apparel brand best known for the winter beanies with a square Love Your Melon logo on the front. The brand is dedicated to fighting pediatric cancer, as 50% of its profit go directly towards the LYM fund, which then is donated to our not-for-profit sponsors. Our role as a campus crew is to spread awareness for the brand and the overall fight against pediatric cancer. We do this by hosting various on campus events to spread the word, going on hospital visits to visit children and give them beanies, and using our social media presence to make our own on campus fundraisers.
The NAACP Chapter at Providence College aims to create the conditions necessary for authentic metacognitive thinkers to be produced into the adult world. We are an inclusive club that meets weekly to discuss social issues, organize direct action events, and build a community that supports one another.
Operation Smile
Operation Smile is a nonprofit organization that sends medical professionals and volunteers to underdeveloped countries to perform surgeries on children with cleft palates and cleft lips. Our club raises awareness and funds for this incredible cause. How do we do this? Come find out! Be a part of our club and help coordinate events across campus to help support Operation Smile.
PC Fashion Society
A platform to spread awareness of important issues, to share styles cultures, textiles, tradition, culture, ideas and advice.
PC Model U.N.
PC Model UN is a student organization and travel team that works and prepares to participate in Model UN conferences across the country. By doing this, we form a community of Friars, enhance different valuable skills, and learn about international politics, diplomacy, and cultures. Practicing diplomacy, fostering global citizenship, and building connections.
Providence Immigrant Rights Coalition (PIRC)
The Providence Immigrant Rights Coalition strives to enhance the acceptance of the immigrant population at Providence College by challenging derogatory anti-immigrant discourse, educating the campus on current and past immigration systems and policies, and raising awareness of the injustices that impact undocumented students and their families. We intend to work in solidarity with community organizations to push for crucial institutional changes at Providence College as well as in the broader Rhode Island community.
S.H.E.P.A.R.D. (Stopping Homophobia, Eliminating Prejudices And Restoring Dignity) is a support group for all members of the LGBTQQIAA* community who choose to become involved.
S.H.E.P.A.R.D. seeks to educate the college community on issues of sexual orientation. This organization provides a supportive environment in which students can discuss issues of sexual orientation freely and openly. In keeping with the mission, ideals and values of Providence College, S.H.E.P.A.R.D. is dedicated to fostering a campus environment that encourages the respect for the essential dignity, freedom and equality of every person regardless of sexual orientation. S.H.E.P.A.R.D. assists all students in feeling secure and included in the Providence College family, and strives to connect with students who identify in ways that have left them experiencing alienation and a lack of safety. To learn more about S.H.E.P.A.R.D., contact their advisors; Dean Tiffany Gaffney, Assistant Dean of Students at tgaffne1@providence.edu, or Dr. Christopher Arroyo, Professor of Philosophy at carroyo@providence.edu.
*Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Questioning Intersex Asexual Ally
Women Will
Women Will is an organization on campus which focuses on raising awareness of women’s issues. We sponsor the annual Take Back The Night rally, as well as other events for Providence College. Women Will is open to all students, male or female.
Please note – This is an informational listing and an ever-changing work in progress. Regardless of organizational mission, all clubs/organizations are open to all students. Please contact the SAIL Office for more information on any of these clubs/organizations.
The Office of Student Engagement and Leadership
Slavin Center 106
Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm​​